As we well know, as operators and distributors of these hard-working parts, power take offs serve quite a few uses! They began around World War I as additions to tractors and have since been adapted to fit many different purposes. Dump trucks use them to lift their dump boxes and release their loads. Fire trucks use them to pump water through their hoses. They can even be installed on trucks to operate wenches and small cranes. These add-ons provide more than just extra machinery, they provide the user with a tool that can take care of almost anything they need.
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To complement our WPT Mechanical line of power products, K & L Clutch is pleased to announce their appointment as the “Full Line Distributor” in North Texas for WPT Power Products. Effective 2/1/13 we will handle the complete line of outstanding products that WPT offers. This includes Type 1 and
Type 2 Pneumatic and Hydraulic PTOs, Power Grip and PO Clutches, Water Cooled Brakes, Low Inertia Clutches and Brakes, Pump drives, and Caliper Brakes. With this appointment, K & L Clutch becomes the only certified service center for WPT Power Products in the North Central Texas area. If your unit is in need of repair, we can do it.
We are ready to service you now. Please call any of our experienced sales associates and ask more about the “Full Line” of WPT products we can serve you with.
Contact us for more information. We’ll get your project back up and running in no time.
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K&L Clutch and Transmission would like to wish our valued customers a safe and happy New Years, and all the best for 2013.
We are grateful that you chose us for your heavy machinery clutch and transmission parts and service needs and we hope we can continue to offer you the highest quality in goods and service as we move forward into the new year.
We try to actively defend our reputation, if you have any concerns with our service, please don’t hesitate to let us know. If you have already benefited from our top quality parts and excellent customer service, allow us to thank you again! Feel free to check out our range of products.
Once again, all the best for 2013!
Issues With Your Heavy Machinery?
Some Symptoms of Possible Torque Converter Problems

If you’ve been in this field long enough, you’ve likely dealt with a few common torque converter problems. Although we are confident in the excellent capabilities, and reliability, of the torque converters we provide, we also know that problems do occasionally arise. Considering the extreme mechanical feats of your heavy machinery, and the tasks required of the torque converters in those machines, this makes sense. What also makes sense, then, is being prepared.
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Back in August of 2009 we released a post digging into the science of cranes, their components and how everything works together. We decided it was time for an update, but you can still see the former boom crane post here:
The Parts of A Crane
A quick look at crane terminology.
The Boom: The boom of a crane is the long, telescopic, or fixed, arm that is used to move objects.
- The Counterweights: The counterweights are stabilizers placed near the cab’s exterior that prevent the crane from becoming unbalanced when lifting heavy loads.
- The Jib: The jib is the lattice-like structure that gives the boom the freedom to extend.
- The Rotex Gear: The Rotex gear affords the crane the ability to rotate its apparatus, thereby better enabling it to do its job from awkward standpoints. Hook rollers are also used in some crane applications.
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Here at K&L Clutch & Transmission, we make it our business to supply you with the highest-quality torque converters for industrial machinery, including:
But it’s also our mission to supply information and understanding about our products to better help you choose which hydraulic torque converters best fit your needs.
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Here at K&L Clutch & Transmission, we pride ourselves deeply on the unmatched level of clutch and transmission service and maintenance we provide. Our industry-leading technicians and engineers are constantly pioneering new, better ways to improve part repair and replacement turnaround time in order to better help our customers keep their projects up and running.
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There are no ifs, ands or buts about it — the United States is undergoing an enormous energy boom.
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The United States consumes more energy than any other country on the planet. So the U.S. Department of Energy announcement that the U.S. actually exported more fuel in 2011 than it imported was striking — and very, very welcome.
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The spring and summer building seasons are just around the corner, which means now is a great time to make sure your company’s heavy equipment will be ready when it does.
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