Heavy industrial cranes are filled with complicated, cutting edge machines and complicated, state-of-the-art parts, but at their core cranes are very simple machines. They leverage several basic laws of physics to make extraordinarily difficult tasks like lifting enormously heavy objects easy.
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Time is money when you’re out in the field, and even a small breakdown can be crippling to your project’s finances. When you need service, you need it then and there””not in three to five shipping days needed to get the right tools for the fix (or even the three to five hours it takes an ill-equipped company to get the industrial transmission part into the right place) and that’s where K&L comes in with our fully-equipped field service trucks.
Our field service trucks are carefully designed to respond to the complex and ever-evolving needs for job-sites in industries like oil, gas, mining and construction. Our trucks will come to you””24/7, wherever you’re working””and they’ll come armed and ready to get the job done.
Let’s take a closer look at what they carry:
A 5,000-Pound-Capacity Auto Crane
A heavy-duty Auto Crane makes it much easier to respond to demanding industrial power service needs, and gives us the flexibility and accuracy needed to do fixes in hard-to-reach places.
Why? Reach and lifting abilities matter. If we just showed up with the right tools and replacement parts, but no way to easily position them to where they need to be, additional time and manpower would be wasted trying get everything in the right place.
The cranes feature rack-and-pinion rotation systems””resulting in the high torque needed for heavy lifting and positioning””and rotational cylinders guarded by flow controls and load-holding valves, which boost safety and operational precision. All together, this makes repairing or replacing equipment like torque converters, mechanical clutches and pneumatic clutches simple.
In other words, the 5,000-pound Auto Cranes on our trucks make sure they arrive ready to work.
Complete, Customized Tool Capabilities
There’s nothing more dismaying than a service provider showing up unprepared or unable to do the job. From the heaviest-duty appliances to the smallest hand tools, we’ll arrive with everything needed to install and service the wide range of units we sell.
In fact, at our headquarters in the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, we thrive on coming up with customized solutions to unusual and unexpected problems. Our tool sets reflect these diverse, nimble solutions capabilities.
Machine Shop Support and Talent
In the end, what’s on our truck is only as good as the people that arrive with it. And thanks to our extensive support experience, our technicians are simply the best in the business. Headquartered just nine miles from DWF International Airport in the town of Hurst, we’re also ideally located to get them to jobs all over the country.
Furthermore, as with our tool sets, our North Texas machine shop and service center gives us the backing needed to solve problems specific to your job’s unique needs and situation. We’ll get you back up and running in no time.
Contact one of industrial clutch and transmission service specialists for more information.
From construction to freight to salvaging forsaken ships at sea, current and early cranes are simply the arms that do the heavy lifting powering our global industries. The world just wouldn’t be the same without them””and it’s our goal to make sure your cranes will perform powerfully, flexibly, and effectively until the jobs are done.
So how did cranes become such an integral part of all of our lives (whether we realize it or not)? Let’s take a look back through history:
Democracy and Devotion: Greeks Invent the Crane
Necessity is the mother of all innovation””and you won’t find a more urgent group of inventors than those under threat of being smote from above. For whatever reasons, the Ancient Greeks felt compelled to build huge temples to their gods, and traditional methods like ramps for moving and lifting the enormous building stones of massive monuments like the Parthenon just weren’t going to get the jobs done. Meet the crane: at first a simple winch and pulley system, and later a compound pulley system credited to Aristotle.
Today, you can see the difference in the way temples were built in different time periods. Pre-cranes, building blocks actually tended to be much larger, because so much effort was required to push each one up a ramp that it was less labor-intensive to use bigger and fewer blocks. Post-cranes, blocks were smaller, but stacked higher, in more complicated and advanced structures, and more quickly.
In the end, the Greeks proved just how much more ambitious projects could be with the help of a crane. The Egyptian slaves responsible for building the pyramids block by ramp-elevated block are still squirming with envy in their graves.
Mobility and Versatility: Cranes Power the Roman Empire
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but without the introduction of and improvement upon the Greek cranes, construction would’ve taken much, much longer than it did. In fact, the Romans were the first to use multiple cranes for cooperative lifting tasks, as is evident by the massive cornerstone blocks used in some of the famous structures.
But beyond the beautiful, historic, crane-built city still very visible today, perhaps the most impressive aspect of Roman crane use was the way they were used far from their home. Again””necessity drives innovation. And as the Roman Empire stretched further and further away from Rome, and as conquering armies became more and more ambitious, mobility and versatility in their cranes became key. The Roman army needed cranes that could move quickly, be assembled and torn down quickly, and perform a variety of tasks””all without losing their powerful lifting capabilities.
Today, you can see that influence in how mobile cranes are used all over the world. You find them on boats, docks, trains, and trucks, often able to be quickly adapted for difficult, unusual tasks. Lifting capacity has skyrocketed, up to 1,000 tons. In the end, the Romans proved just how much mobility and versatility multiply capability.
At K&L Clutch, we understand just how many ways your business relies on your lifting capabilities. When a crane breaks down, we can be there””just about anywhere in the world””with the industrial machine parts to get your project back on track in no time.

Our service department will come meet you just about anywhere in the world, and we’re proud of our commitment and reach. But we’re pretty proud of the service role our home location in Dallas-Ft. Worth plays as well.
Here are three reasons why:
We know it.
We’re located smack dab in the middle of one of the most powerful, innovative, high-growth industrial regions on the planet, and our fully-staffed service department reflects and benefits from such a concentration of expertise and capability. Simply put, we offer better, faster, and more comprehensive service than those who can’t capitalize on these advantages. We can figure out any problem, and come up with customized solutions for your unique needs.
Time is money, and our quick turnarounds minimize your project’s down time. We know how to get you back to work.
We stock it.
At our base in Hurst, Texas (a small suburb of Ft. Worth), we stock a comprehensive catalog of parts from the best brands in the business””like Twin Disc, Young, Allison, American, Clark, Bucyrys, Funk, Industrial Clutch, Link Belt, Lima, Manitowoc, Murphy, P&H, Oil States, Northwest, Quincy, Rockford Powertrain, and WPT””including parts for:
- Dredge Pump Drives
- Stationary Power Units
- Cranes
- Draglines
- Mud Pumps
- Rock Crushers
- Drilling Rigs
- Tub Grinders
- Marine Units
- And more…
Better stock equals better turnaround time, and our product catalog will have your project moving again in no time. But if it can’t…
We can build it.
At K&L Clutch & Transmission, we have a fully functional on-site manufacturing and production facility that gives us tremendous flexibility and the capability to meet your needs on the fly.
Just think about some of the problems that you run into out in the field. Often, there are no simple, by-the-book fixes. Our machine shop provides unusual, customized solutions for unusual, complicated problems, and leaves you with the peace of mind that any problem can solved.
Contact us for more information.
Great Industrial Product Support & Service all boils down to a commitment to three factors: service, product availability and shipping capability.
Basically, we can repair or replace almost anything you need, and we can do it anywhere. Our goal is to help you minimize your down time after breakdowns with off the shelf exchange, replacement, or on-site field service. This is made possible with our extensive parts and units inventory. Read Full Article →